for Tamrac

Churchward, Swindon

Churchward, Swindon

In the 1990s, the directors of 4D Studio were commissionedby Tarmac (later Carillion), to helpcreate a complete new urban quarteron the site of the former GWR yards atSwindon. This would include an officepark of 500,000 sq ft.

The challenge was colossal, not leastbecause the 142-acre site includedover one million square feet of spaceprovided in listed buildings. But theteam were able to interleave newdevelopment with the best of the old in a masterplan proposing a shoppingmall and outlet centre, a superstore, amultiplex cinema, museum and otheremployment, leisure and residential uses,together with a complete new accessand infrastructure network.

4DS’s directors acted not just asmasterplanner, urban designer andarchitect, but had a place on theDevelopment Committee set up byTarmac for the new Churchward quarterthat involved them in public consultation,press and publicity and the appointment of executive architects for individualelements of the regeneration plan.

Churchward is now an establishedand integrated part of the Swindoncommunity and serves as template forurban regeneration of its type andscale. Tarmac – now Carillion – continuesto play a part.